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Custom Capture Forms

Customize text and images on a signup form to create landing pages for your site's content. After a bit of configuration a custom capture form will be displayed on a Page if you attach ?view to the page's URL or if you select the Require Capture option on the page.

To create a custom capture form, find the Content Page Capture Forms link in the Capture Form Configuration section of your site's administration backend.

Then click the ADD CONTENT PAGE CAPTURE FORM CONFIGURATION link on the right side of the screen.

Configuring a capture form

These options are customizable on a capture form:

When you've finished configuring a capture form, click “Save”

Assign a Capture Form to a Page

Now that you've created a capture form, assign it to a Page. You can assign a custom capture form to Agent Landing Pages, Area Pages, and Content Pages. You can not assign custom capture forms to Market Reports, Valuation Pages, or Coming Soon Pages - these page types have their own capture forms. Find the Capture Form Options section towards the bottom of the page while editing a Page.

From here you have a few decisions to make: