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Your site comes with two template sidebars: Blog Sidebar and Default Sidebar.

The Blog Sidebar is set up to appear on all blog pages. It has two additional sidebar item types: Blog Archives and Blog Categories.

The Default Sidebar is automatically selected when creating a new Content, Area, or Home page.

How do I edit or create sidebars?

1. In your site backend, click on the Sidebars link under the Content heading.

2. Select the sidebar you wish to edit or press the Add Sidebar button in the top right corner. Looks like:

Sidebar Item Types include:

3. When creating a new sidebar, name it appropriately.

4. You will be presented with several Sidebar Item Numbers. This makes for easy organization as you can click and drag these item numbers to reorder how they will appear on your sidebar.

5. Select the Item Type for your first Sidebar Item.

6. Insert your content into the Sidebar Item.

7. Move onto a new Sidebar Item Number, and repeat steps 5 and 6.

Each item type requires a new Sidebar Item Number. If on Sidebar Item #2, you add a link list then switch over to Custom Content and save, all of your links will be lost.

8. Optionally, you have the ability to duplicate sidebars and check the save history of the current sidebar on which you are working.

1. Select either 1 column or 2 column Link list from the Item Type.

2. Press the Add link button to create space for the number of links you would like.

3. Add Anchor Text for each link. This is the text presented to viewers.

4. Add the URL of the page you are linking to. When linking to pages within your RealGeeks' site, remember to use Relative URLs. It is also imperative that you use backslashes at the beginning and end of the relative URL. Example: /kailua/

Rearranging Sidebar Items

You are able to change the order of the sidebar items by clicking a sidebar item and dragging it either up or down.

How do I have different sidebars on each page?

Your default sidebar will automatically appear on each content or area page. You can override this by using the “Sidebar and Footer Options” setting located at the bottom of these pages in your site backend.

Choose one of your custom sidebars drop-down list.